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Things fall apart essay questions

Things fall apart essay questions

To break the cycle of birth and death, things fall apart essay questions, they are supposed to find iyi-uwa and destroy it. He thought that anything weak needed to be destroyed. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the social structure portrayed in Things Fall Apart. What is the role of women in the novel? Ask Question Novelguide Rooms.

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Achebe chose the title because Things Fall Apart foreshadows the disaster which this novel portrays. Describe Okonkwo, the protagonist of Things Fall Apart. How does he work to achieve greatness as defined by his community and culture? How does he differ from Western heroes whom you are familiar with? Okonkwo was famous throughout nine villages and beyond because of this toughness. He was tall and huge with bushy eyebrows with a wide nose. Okonkwo achieves this greatness by defeating the greatest wrestler Amalinze. He expressed his anger by using physical violence. He was nothing like his father Unoka.

Oknonwo is different from western heroes unlike the western heroes, he earned his fame by his genuine strength, he beats his things fall apart essay questions if they disobey him, and he was proud of his father. Unoka was tall and very thin. He was lazy, reckless, and quiet. He was a loafer, things fall apart essay questions, never gave back the money he borrowed from people and because of that everyone in the village swore not to give him any money. Unoka was a coward when it came to war and he could stand blood. Everyone in the tribe made fun of his father, things fall apart essay questions.

His father was scared of blood and war unlike him, and Okonkwo thought a man should be strong like a warrior. e How does one succeed in this cultural context? One can succeed in this by taking control of its family especially women and proving their strength. Also by being honest and hard worker. What do we learn from the system of the taking of titles? We learn that having title s things fall apart essay questions you respect in the tribes. In order for someone to earn title sthey must be successful and prove their strength. e Who seems to be excluded from opportunities to gain such a success? People that are excluded from opportunities are people that are lazy and weak. What is the effect on you, as a Western reader and outsider to Igbo culture?

Can you think of any similar folktales told in your culture? What is the moral of the fable of the tortoise told in Ch. What values do these stories reflect? The effect Igbo society has on me is being amazed by their life style except the part where the men beats the women, things fall apart essay questions, other than that, the culture of Igbo society is classic and indescribable. Order custom essay Things Fall Apart Study Questions. with things fall apart essay questions plagiarism report, things fall apart essay questions. I think this means proverbs are as important as palm-oil.

The moral of the story is not to take advantage of people and be courteous to them. a Things fall apart essay questions the setting time, place, culture of the novel. Social life is organized based on you what you can do and you success, not on your ancestors. c What are the important celebrations? Two important celebrations are the New Yam Festival and the Week of Peace. What is the role of war, of religion and of the arts? At first they try to come to a solution. Religion is a big part Igbo people. They worship the goddess of the earth and are always careful to avoid committing sins against her god.

Art is mostly of playing drums and flute. e What is the role of the individual in relation to the community of Umuofia? Individual relation to the community is having control and respect by proving his strength, and also his wealth. My culture is nothing similar to Igbo culture. What effect does night have on people in Ch. What do they fear? How do they deal with their fear things fall apart essay questions snakes at night? On dark nights, people are scared to go outside. They fear snakes. They deal with their fear by not going outside at night unless there is enough light. On bright nights, people things fall apart essay questions taking long walks. a What the important crops?

The important crops are yams, kola-nuts, cassava, alligator peppers, corn, and cocoyam. b What are the seasons? Some seasons are the New Yam Festival, the planting season and the raining season. c How does sharecropping work? d What are the male and female designated crops, and why? The male designated crop is yams, and the female designated crops are coco-yams, beans and cassava because yams are probably more popular. e What is the relationship of women to agriculture? In contrast to other e. Biblical representations of locusts as a terrible plague, how does the village react to the coming of the locusts in Ch.

The village excitedly collects them because they are good to eat when cooked, in contrast to biblical representations the locust is seen as something bad about to happen. Masbah Ahmed Period 6 8. in Ch6. What are those roles? What does Ch. What side of Okonkwo is revealed by his behavior during that long night? Chielo was the priest of Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. She was a mother of two. This soft-side of Okonkwo was revealed and his weak-side. He thought that anything weak needed to be destroyed. He tries to eliminate any weakness within himself. Note the Instances when Okonkwo fails to heed the advice of others, especially of Obierika: What are the consequences?

Three times in Part1, Okonkwo breaks Igbo taboos: what drives him to do so in each cases, and what are the consequences to Okonkwo, things fall apart essay questions, to his family and to his community? Okonkwo and Obierika are similar because they are both successful men in Igbo society. Okonkwo would do anything to hide his weakness where Obierika shares his weakness, for instance he regrets taking the ozo title. Okoknwo didn't pay any heed to him and leads him break the custom of Week of Peace by beating his second wife, and breaking taboos that caused the people to dislike him and his family leaving them with the fear of getting into a war for the solution of this conflict.

What differing roles and functions do men things fall apart essay questions women have in Igbo society? They all respects Okonkwo and scared of him to death. He expects his children to grow up like him. Okonkwo expects his wives to carry out duties thoroughly which includes cooking, feeding the children, cleaning the house and helping with the farming. When they do not fulfill all of their duties, he gets very angry at them and sometimes beats them, things fall apart essay questions. If he feels disrespected by his wives; he beats them. His relationship with Ekwafi is special because she ran away from her husband to marry Okonkwo. Even though he loves Ekwafi, she suffered the most out all of his wives. Also Enzima is the only surviving child of Ekwafi which made her more special to Okonkwo.

To Nowye, he is really strict because he wants Nowye to grow up strong like him and carry on his legacy. In Igbo society, men are to be strong, successful and should be able to control their women. Women are expected to all the house works. Men and women were given different crops to plant and their funerals were different. He thinks they should do whatever he says or they will regret it. This is contrastable to the social structure in family arrangements in U. What does it tell you about the values of the culture? Why, according to Ezeani, is wife beating considered even at times other than Peace Week? This shows that Igbo culture is practiced by rule and strictly and is taken very seriously. Beating wife is seen as wrong even beyond Peace Week according to Ezeani because the peace should be kept to honor their goddess.

Briefly summarize the story of Ekwafi given in Ch. What kind of woman is she?

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What do they fear? How do they deal with their fear of snakes at night? On dark nights, people are scared to go outside. They fear snakes. They deal with their fear by not going outside at night unless there is enough light. On bright nights, people enjoy taking long walks. a What the important crops? The important crops are yams, kola-nuts, cassava, alligator peppers, corn, and cocoyam. b What are the seasons? Some seasons are the New Yam Festival, the planting season and the raining season. c How does sharecropping work? d What are the male and female designated crops, and why? The male designated crop is yams, and the female designated crops are coco-yams, beans and cassava because yams are probably more popular.

e What is the relationship of women to agriculture? In contrast to other e. Biblical representations of locusts as a terrible plague, how does the village react to the coming of the locusts in Ch. The village excitedly collects them because they are good to eat when cooked, in contrast to biblical representations the locust is seen as something bad about to happen. Masbah Ahmed Period 6 8. in Ch6. What are those roles? What does Ch. What side of Okonkwo is revealed by his behavior during that long night? Chielo was the priest of Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. She was a mother of two. This soft-side of Okonkwo was revealed and his weak-side. He thought that anything weak needed to be destroyed. He tries to eliminate any weakness within himself.

Note the Instances when Okonkwo fails to heed the advice of others, especially of Obierika: What are the consequences? Three times in Part1, Okonkwo breaks Igbo taboos: what drives him to do so in each cases, and what are the consequences to Okonkwo, to his family and to his community? Okonkwo and Obierika are similar because they are both successful men in Igbo society. Okonkwo would do anything to hide his weakness where Obierika shares his weakness, for instance he regrets taking the ozo title. Okoknwo didn't pay any heed to him and leads him break the custom of Week of Peace by beating his second wife, and breaking taboos that caused the people to dislike him and his family leaving them with the fear of getting into a war for the solution of this conflict. What differing roles and functions do men and women have in Igbo society?

They all respects Okonkwo and scared of him to death. He expects his children to grow up like him. Okonkwo expects his wives to carry out duties thoroughly which includes cooking, feeding the children, cleaning the house and helping with the farming. When they do not fulfill all of their duties, he gets very angry at them and sometimes beats them. If he feels disrespected by his wives; he beats them. His relationship with Ekwafi is special because she ran away from her husband to marry Okonkwo. Even though he loves Ekwafi, she suffered the most out all of his wives. Also Enzima is the only surviving child of Ekwafi which made her more special to Okonkwo. To Nowye, he is really strict because he wants Nowye to grow up strong like him and carry on his legacy. In Igbo society, men are to be strong, successful and should be able to control their women.

Women are expected to all the house works. Men and women were given different crops to plant and their funerals were different. He thinks they should do whatever he says or they will regret it. This is contrastable to the social structure in family arrangements in U. What does it tell you about the values of the culture? Why, according to Ezeani, is wife beating considered even at times other than Peace Week? This shows that Igbo culture is practiced by rule and strictly and is taken very seriously. Beating wife is seen as wrong even beyond Peace Week according to Ezeani because the peace should be kept to honor their goddess.

Briefly summarize the story of Ekwafi given in Ch. What kind of woman is she? What do you think is the significance of women having to sit with their legs together? What is done to break the cycle of birth and death? What attitudes toward children does it reflect? Does Achebe seem to validate the belief in ogbanje? How or why? Ekwafi fell in love with Ikemefuna when she saw him wrestling. She was the beauty of the village. She ran away from her husband to marry Okonkwo. Ekwafi is the woman who goes after what she wants and she loves wrestling. The significance of women having to sit their legs together is it shows that they have self-respect and it is formal.

To break the cycle of birth and death, they are supposed to find iyi-uwa and destroy it. Ekwafi prizes her daughter because she is the only child that survived. Why did Achebe choose to take the title of his novel, Things Fall Apart, from William Butler Yeats' poem "The Second Coming"? What is the narrator's point of view and what values are important to the narrator? Achebe presents details of daily village life in Umuofia, as well as details concerning the Igbo culture. Describe the setting of the novel. What is chi?

Explain the importance of chi in shaping Okonkwo's destiny. Obierika is a foil for Okonkwo. That is, when compared to Okonkwo, the contrast between the two characters emphasizes the distinctive characteristics of Okonkwo. Compare the two characters — Obierika and Okonkwo. Achebe suggests that Igbo culture is dynamic constantly changing. Find evidence in the novel to support this notion. What is the significance of Nwoye's Christian name, Isaac? In Things Fall Apart, Achebe includes stories from Igbo culture and tradition, proverbs, and parables. The Igbo society was an ancient civilization with a labyrinthine system of governance and laws, and yet these laws involved barbaric practices.

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