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Sports and drugs essay

Sports and drugs essay

If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy OK. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. A thesis statement of an essay on drugs can be one sentence or more than one sentence, but it is suggested that it should be only one sentence. For example, athletes could be driving and get Roid Rage and they will hit other cars causing fatal injuries or even death to either them or others Dhar, Michael. Besides, he wanted to experience new feelings. It always seems easier to handle stress and all possible life changes through the use of drugs than facing real life sports and drugs essay dealing with it, sports and drugs essay.

The Dangers Of Using Steroids In Sports

Problems with heart are most common. An increase in heart rate, high blood pressure and an increased risk of stroke Gale Encyclopedia Woman taking steroids are putting themselves at risk of being permanently damaging their reproductive systems. It may be true that doping sports and drugs essay the players to perform better. However, it is wrong they have to stop drugs in sport because it have many effect in the human body and it also destroy your reputation. If someone said that doping will not do anything to you, be sure that he want to destroy you. Likewise, it is also important to remember that drugs will shows if the athlete started to play big tournaments they will test him and chick if he is taking anything. Many doctors say yes, but how dangerous, doctors disagree.

If you take more than the physiologic dose, the results can be dramatic. According to Dr. Men and women take advantage of these properties for personal gain or to gain an unfair competitive advantage. But the use of steroids can carry serious side effects. Addiction, sterility, sports and drugs essay, shrunken sports and drugs essay parts, heart disease, liver disease, sports and drugs essay, kidney damage, stunting of growth, sports and drugs essay, sports and drugs essay swings, and increased aggressiveness have all been linked to prolonged steroid use.

Females in particular may experience deepening of the voice, abnormal menstrual cycles, sports and drugs essay, diminished breasts, and growth of facial or body hair in addition to the previously mentioned side effects. While these health problems are terrible consequences for the individual, sports and drugs essay, they can also have a detrimental effect on the sport in which they compete. Some might think that the short-term effects are not that bad but those effects can lead up to the long-term effects. Not only do steroids ruin and hurt your body, they can also ruin your….

Do you think it's fair to other athletes when some athletes are enhancing drugs? For than users of these enhancers are hurting themselves in the long run without on the average improving their short-term rewards from athletic competition, as long as sports and drugs essay also use harmful enhancers. This is the main rationale for trying to ban steroids and other forms of doping from athletic competitions" Gary Becker. Moreover, a PED user may feel indestructible and they will feel like they need to prove themselves Allen. When athletes combine different drugs, they have no idea of how the amalgamation will affect their body because no one tests them on healthy people Thompson The laws that have been created have pushed the drugs to the black market which causes the athletes to not truly be able to know what they are taking Mayo.

The reader can conclude from this that there can be many more side effects that will change a user mentally that the world does not…. This happens when fatty substances are deposited inside arteries and disrupt blood flow preventing blood from reaching the heart. Cancers, and tumors are another series thing that steroid use can cause. Some side effects of steroids are rage, mania, and delusions. While some players are risking the use of steroids on the field that person is also putting their future health in jeopardy. Steroids affect the health of the individual and can create many problems in the long-run for that person as well as ruin the sports…. By randomly holding drug tests, those that use the drugs do not know when the drug test is.

This means that the athlete cannot prepare for the drug test. Steroids are the most common drug used in professional sports. Most athletes fear the random drug test because they do not want to get caught. Steroids enhance muscle and strength. However, those peoples are wrong; steroids should be a crime because the athletes who use the drugs are holding a position that did not deserve and put the team reputation at risk. This explains how steroid affects your body risk of injuries. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Effects Of Drugs In Sports.

Effects Of Drugs In Sports Words 7 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality, sports and drugs essay. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 7. Drugs Should Be Banned In Sports Essay It may be true that doping let the players to perform better. Words: - Pages: 4. Anabolic Steroids In Sports Many doctors say yes, but how dangerous, doctors disagree. Words: - Pages: 6. Steroids Persuasive Essay Men and women take advantage of these properties for personal gain or to gain an unfair competitive advantage. Words: - Pages: 5.

The Effects Of Steroids On The Human Body Some might think that the short-term effects are not that bad but those effects can lead up to the long-term effects. Is It Fair To Other Athletes Are Enhancing Drugs Essay Do you think sports and drugs essay fair to other athletes when some athletes are enhancing drugs? Words: - Pages: 3. Steroid Argumentative Essay Moreover, a PED user may feel indestructible and they will feel like they need to prove themselves Allen. Using Steroids In Sports This happens when fatty substances are deposited inside arteries and disrupt blood flow preventing blood from reaching the heart. Why Do Steroids Use Performance Enhancing Drugs By randomly holding drug tests, those that use the drugs do sports and drugs essay know when the drug test is.

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The only way to have a level playing field for all players is through a total ban on the drugs in sports. Integrity in sports is the driving force behind the sports events. Using drugs by a section of players compromises the credibility and integrity of the results Wilson, p. To maintain credibility and integrity, drugs should be banned. Other players win after using drugs that have been prohibited. Here, the integrity of the results is compromised. The results obtained as a result of using prohibited drugs are illegitimate Warburton, p. Also, they lack authenticity. The spirit of any competition is to allow for a level playing where every player is given an opportunity to express his ability. A winner in such a competition is accepted by all the fans around the globe.

When a winner is declared after using drugs, the value of the sport is reduced. Therefore, the value of the sport remains a major issue in any sport or competition. Additionally, good personalities are expected to be role models Browne, p. Using drugs is prohibited and illegal. Allowing athletes to use drugs is itself an act of breaking the law. Good role models should obtain success through hard work and determination as opposed to using drugs Browne, p. In conclusion, drug use in sports should be based on the purpose of the drug. When the drug is used to enhance creativity, then it makes the sport interesting. However, these give the athletes a competitive advantage over the others. As such, the natural ability of the athletes is not properly rewarded.

Additionally, drugs make the results of a competition to lack integrity and lose value. The best way to ban using drugs is through a global organization. This institution should be equipped with excellent doping mechanisms to ensure that all the players are screened properly before participating in a competition. In addition, drug use in sports should be banned because of it adds a competitive advantage, and causes severe effects to the users. These effects include; it provides an avenue for some athletes to cheat, it compromises the credibility and integrity of the results and it is illegal. Warburton, C , The Economic results of prohibition, Columbia University Press, New York. Wilson, B , Hall overcomes cancer, then red tape to reach Olympics , Associated Press, London.

Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Drugs in sports. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Abstract Introduction Drugs should be used in sports Drugs should not be allowed in sports References. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Drugs in sports specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Drugs in sports by yourself? This essay on Drugs in sports was written and submitted by your fellow student. Drug addiction is a problem faced by many people in the world.

It is the topic that interests many writers, and they wish to write an essay on drugs for this topic. Drugs are very harmful and keep the capability of dragging an individual towards death and destruction. People all over the world want to eradicate the adverse situation of drug addiction from this world, and this is the reason why they are busy writing essays on drugs. Essays on drugs are of many types such as the war on drugs essay, essay on performance enhancing drugs in sports, essay on drug abuse, essay on illegal drugs, essay on drug addiction, essay on drug use, essay on drugs and alcohol, and essay on drug testing, etc. The essays on drugs should be initiated by bringing in the information related to the topic of the essay on drugs.

You should know what drugs are. In an essay on drugs, you will have to write about drugs, their effects and the reasons due to which people use them, you have to include the information about why the drugs are so famous and how harmful they are. A persuasive essay on drugs will be one, which will be according to the topic of the essay on drugs. It should have a full-fledged introduction that should introduce the topic completely. Are you working on an essay that is dedicated to newborn drug addiction? This is due to the fact that their mothers took drugs while being pregnant. This, in turn, causes serious health risks for the baby, including learning disabilities in the future, sudden infant death, and many more.

The introduction should also have a thesis statement that should be the main idea of the essay on drugs. A thesis statement should be based on the essay question to which your essay on drugs is an answer. A thesis statement of an essay on drugs can be one sentence or more than one sentence, but it is suggested that it should be only one sentence. Essays on drug abuse or essays on drug addiction should be written by arranging the ideas in a format that should be understandable. You should divide your ideas into different paragraphs for an essay on drug abuse or for the war on drugs essay. One paragraph should contain one idea and should not go towards a second idea, as it will reduce the comprehensiveness of the paragraph of the essay about drugs.

The essays on drugs should be written by researching the topic of drugs thoroughly so that the writer can depict information knowledgeably. If you feel disturbed by an exercise of writing an essay on drugs, you can also get plagiarism-free essays on drugs from custom writing websites, which are there for your assistance and support in terms of writing essays on drugs. There are many different reasons why people are addicted to drugs or any other similar substance. One of the primary reasons is a lack of self-confidence.

Besides, people get drug-addicted due to professional pressure, lack of inspiration, excessive stress, or lack of parental care when it comes to teenagers. When it comes to stress, people who have just moved to a new city or begun their college journey tend to try to eliminate stress with the help of substances. It always seems easier to handle stress and all possible life changes through the use of drugs than facing real life and dealing with it. Unfortunately, trying illegal drugs can eventually lead to a strong and even lifelong addiction.

However, not every country is strict about drugs use. One of the losers was a great cyclist Marco Pantani, whom fans called Pirate because of the characteristic appearance. He was never officially caught in drug taking, but rumors about his passion to crack constantly circulated in the world of cycling. And in the last years of his life Pantani stopped hiding his addiction. The examination showed that he died of a cocaine overdose. Many people think that there is nothing wrong in marijuana smoking, but it is not like that.

So the tendency of marijuana popularization and even its legalization among the athletes is very disturbing. Light drug problem in sports is very urgent. In many countries, for example in the United States, such sports as skateboarding, snowboarding, etc are very popular, and it is believed that the most important thing is swagger, ability to present yourself. So why do athletes take marijuana? It is not needed for the result. So do they take it for the boldness? Anyway, light drugs are the indicator of the modern way of life. In such a way going in for sport turns into young addict school. Light drug can really give the feeling relaxedness that sometimes helps during performance. But the disadvantages of taking drugs are extremely dangerous. By the way, today there is a new tendency for creation the atmosphere of intolerance to drugs.

The most popular athlete who ever used drugs was great soccer player Diego Armando Maradona. Millions of people, not only in Argentina, but all over the world considered him their idol. The second test just proved this fact. As a result, the brilliant player was banned from football for 15 months. Later he admitted that he used to take drugs since the mids, when he moved from Barcelona to Naples. Besides, he wanted to experience new feelings. After disqualification Maradona tried to return to football for many times.

Being in the national team for the World Championship in he was caught in using drugs again. There was another long disqualification. For the third time Maradona was caught in Since that time, he constantly struggles with drug addiction, but without much success. Time to time he even gets in intensive care, but it does not stop the star.

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