Monday, December 20, 2021

Cause and effect of unemployment essay

Cause and effect of unemployment essay

Describe and give [ This result in unemployment among the individuals fired. Unemployment results in individuals losing their source of income and livelihood, cause and effect of unemployment essay. Other social problems associated with unemployment include crime, bribery and gambling Stone The government must perform these responsibilities by taking the action of organising the campaign of education so that can implement the fresh graduates the ways of generating skills cause and effect of unemployment essay the labour force or implement subsidy to the firm to develop more job opportunities to the fresh graduates. This is because economic growth measures based on the price level towards goods and services have been purchased in the economy.


Secondly, it also mentioned that a fresh graduate who is unemployed if he or she on temporary layoff or waiting for the start date of a new job. In sum, the unemployment rate will under no circumstances be zero because the economy is repeatedly changing. However, the major causes of unemployment among the fresh graduates are because of the insufficient jobs and the personalities in order to bring the effect of the economic growth to the country. First of all, the insufficient jobs are considered as one of the causes occurs the unemployment. The reason is that the number of jobs available in some labour market is not enough to provide everyone who demands a job.

For instance, when the salaries would be increased above the equilibrium by the government, the demand of labour which is the firm that wants a labour to work would be decreased while the supply of labour which is the fresh graduates will be increased. Want to get an original essay on this topic? Since the higher salaries exist, the demand for labour which is the firm would reduce the variable cost in order to hire fewer fresh graduates but the high supply from the fresh graduates will create the unemployment happened.

In consequences, the fresh graduates will suffer the insufficient jobs available thus affect the unemployment rate of the country. Other than that, personalities also consider as one of the causes unemployment occur. This is related to the knowledge and skills of the fresh graduates used to search and switch the jobs that best suit them. For example, the job searching is a process that provides the fresh graduates with a way to look for their jobs based on their knowledge and skills and it also takes time to qualify the fresh graduates so that can be matched with an appropriate job. Moreover, the economy repeatedly changing is also one of cause and effect of unemployment essay examples because it takes time for fresh graduates to learn the new knowledge and skills in the new sector of the economy.

Therefore, personalities of the fresh graduates also playing a very important role in the causes of unemployment. Lastly, the effect of unemployment is affecting the economic growth of the country. This is because economic growth measures based on the price level towards goods and services have been purchased in the economy. For example, cause and effect of unemployment essay, when people do not have a job most likely will maintain a low productivity, income and purchasing power eventually they cannot effort the consumption of goods and services. In short, the standard of living in the country will be affected because of the economic growth does not move constantly.

As a result, unemployment occurs because of the causes of insufficient jobs and personalities and therefore affects the economic growth of a country. The government cause and effect of unemployment essay perform these responsibilities by taking the action of organising the campaign of education so that can implement the fresh graduates the ways of generating skills in the labour force or implement subsidy to the firm to develop more job opportunities to the fresh graduates. At that time, the more people educated or more job opportunities in the economy have, the unemployment rate among the fresh graduates will be decreased immediately.

In my opinion, if all these approaches can be implemented by the government, cause and effect of unemployment essay, the country will surely accomplish the goals of full employment of fresh graduates and the good economic growth of a country. A Cause and Effect of Unemployment. com, May 29, Accessed January 7, comMay Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Stuck on ideas? Struggling cause and effect of unemployment essay a concept?

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Moreover, the economy repeatedly changing is also one of the examples because it takes time for fresh graduates to learn the new knowledge and skills in the new sector of the economy. Therefore, personalities of the fresh graduates also playing a very important role in the causes of unemployment. Lastly, the effect of unemployment is affecting the economic growth of the country. This is because economic growth measures based on the price level towards goods and services have been purchased in the economy. For example, when people do not have a job most likely will maintain a low productivity, income and purchasing power eventually they cannot effort the consumption of goods and services. In short, the standard of living in the country will be affected because of the economic growth does not move constantly.

As a result, unemployment occurs because of the causes of insufficient jobs and personalities and therefore affects the economic growth of a country. The government must perform these responsibilities by taking the action of organising the campaign of education so that can implement the fresh graduates the ways of generating skills in the labour force or implement subsidy to the firm to develop more job opportunities to the fresh graduates. At that time, the more people educated or more job opportunities in the economy have, the unemployment rate among the fresh graduates will be decreased immediately. In my opinion, if all these approaches can be implemented by the government, the country will surely accomplish the goals of full employment of fresh graduates and the good economic growth of a country.

A Cause and Effect of Unemployment. com, May 29, Accessed January 7, com , May Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Email Invalid email. A professional writer will make a clear, mistake-free paper for you! Stuck on ideas? Struggling with a concept? Economic recession links directly with economic inflation. Recession results from inflation where people are not able to afford goods and services offered by the economy Stone A decline in production and more imports than exports characterize a recession. These elements influence negatively on GDP of an economy. This results in increased rates of unemployment because many employers refuse to hire while others fire some of their employees Stone Another cause is change in technology.

Rapid change in technology is driving many employers into diversifying and improving the effectiveness of their workforce Dawson Some of technology applied replaces individuals in the production process as some process executed manually apply through technology. This leads to several people losing their jobs. Job dissatisfaction is also another leading cause of unemployment Dawson New technology results in some employees being involved partially in production activities, which leads to frustration. Frustrations may lead to employee resignation Dawson This causes unemployment.

Another cause is employee worth Dawson Employees put a lot of effort and dedication in their activities but often end up unappreciated by their employers. This may result to lack of motivation among employees, which may compel them to stop working for their employers Dawson This leads to individuals being unemployed until they find employers who appreciate their efforts. Discrimination in places of work is another cause of unemployment. Discrimination could be because of age, gender, social class, race, religion or ethnic background. Securing a job in such a working environment is extremely difficult and may discourage people from looking for jobs as well as forcing those already in jobs to quit Dawson Welfare payments should be discouraged as they reduce the will of unemployed people to look for jobs.

People develop dependency on grants and lack any meaning in employment since they are able to meet their basic needs Dawson Unemployment has both positive and negative effects. However, negative effects of unemployment surpass positive effects Stone Unemployed individuals experience difficulties meeting their basic needs as well as contributing to economic prosperity of their countries Stone In recessions, many people lose their jobs, but companies usually develop mechanisms to produce more goods with limited workforce. Unemployment leads to effects discussed below. The first effect is loss of income. Unemployment results in individuals losing their source of income and livelihood.

Most people in employment use their incomes to get mortgages and other forms of financing Stone Loss of income leads to poor living standards and increased risk on health. Another effect of unemployment is social exclusion. A work place provides a platform for socialization. When people lose their jobs, their social circle reduces considerably and end up excluded from the social environment. Other social problems associated with unemployment include crime, bribery and gambling Stone Unemployment causes political instability Stone They consider their government as ineffective and incapable of providing the needs of its people Stone Such individuals participate in movements that oppose government policies through riots that result in political instability.

effects of unemployment include over exploitation of available labor, reduced rate of economic growth, reduced human capacity, loss of human resources and increase in poverty levels Dawson One positive effect of unemployment is the availability of adequate labor at reduced market prices. When many people are unemployed, labor is available at competitive prices because people are always eager to have some income Stone Unemployment has various categories that include classical, structural, frictional, cyclical and hidden unemployment Stone Unemployment results from several factors that vary in terms of the supporting conditions.

Some causes are due to personal choices while others are beyond individual control. Unemployment has both positive and negative effects, although negative effects surpass positive effects. Welfare payments should be discouraged as they reduce the will of unemployed people to look for jobs Stone People should be encouraged to look for a job instead of waiting on grants because they may not achieve financial freedom to satisfactory levels. In order to reduce the effects of unemployment, governments should develop and implement policies that regulate circumstances in which an employer can fire an employee Dawson This will prevent victimization of employees by employers who take advantage of weak policies on labor regulation and employee protection.

Dawson, Graham. Inflation and Unemployment: Causes, Consequences and Cures. California: University of California,

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