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Importance of voting essay

Importance of voting essay

By Kent Ninomiya, eHow Contributor The importance of voting in America cannot be overstated. Read on to find out why it is important that we vote and elect our own government. In a democracy, you will have a number of candidates to choose from, importance of voting essay. We already know of this issue, but certainly we must not have cast a glance on the issue in the same perspective as Charles M Blow has written. They are seen by major parties importance of voting essay a threat, stealing votes that could cost them an election. Accessed January 7, Within this outdated system a candidate could win the majority of the popular votes but still not win the election.

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Election outcomes are determined by those who participate. Elected officials make important often life and death decisions about how our society will expend its collective resources and the restraints it will place on individual behavior. In making those decisions, importance of voting essay, elected officials respond to people who bother to vote more than to those who abstain. Importance of Voting Choose Your Government This is the most obvious advantage of voting. Voting allows you to choose people you want to represent your community in the governance of your country. The winning party will govern your society and will be answerable to you.

With the democratic process of voting, a balance in power can be maintained between the governance and the people. Hence, you must cast your vote for presidential elections as well as local body elections. Investing in a Better Future The objective of a government is to draft and implement various policies for the betterment of its people. From taxes to road-building, everything is decided by the policy makers that you vote and help win. The policies enforced by your chosen representative may force you to anything from a change in your daily route to an additional tax. A Hard-earned Privilege. The freedom to choose your own administration is one that characterizes democracy. It defines every revolution. It is a right that has been earned through the hardships suffered by past generations, quite possibly including your very own.

It has to be cherished, not discarded. The above are just few of the reasons why people should vote. Voting is one of the easiest ways you can voice your opinion in a democracy. It gives you a chance to choose your own leaders and make them accountable for your development. What Is the Importance of Voting in America? By Kent Ninomiya, eHow Contributor The importance of voting in America cannot be overstated. The United Importance of voting essay is a constitutional republic. Americans democratically elect their leaders, who in turn represent them in the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. Some of our leaders also have the power to appoint other leaders to certain offices.

Our leaders make, enforce and judge laws that impact our health, religion, money and freedoms. Many of these issues are also voted on directly during elections. It is therefore important to vote to have your say about what happens to you. Significance Every vote has significance. Several elections have been decided by a single vote. In other elections, the vote was tied and the winner decided by a coin flip. In a close presidential election, the winner is actually decided by a small number of voters in swing states. The presidential election came down to a handful of ballots in Florida.

Considerations There are many issues to consider when casting your vote. Choose your leaders wisely. Politicians make laws protecting and restricting social freedoms. They determine the legality of issues like abortion, capital punishment, gay rights, civil rights and religion. Chief executives appoint judges and justices. The right to have an abortion comes down to a very slim majority vote on the U. Supreme Court. Supreme Court justices serve for life. A president you elect today may appoint a justice who decides American social policy for a generation. Our leaders also decide policy on issues like national security, civil liberties and the environment.

If you care about these issues, you must vote. Many voters who care little about social issues care a great deal about their financial benefits. The politicians we elect decide how much we pay in taxes and how that money is spent. Bond issues and propositions on the ballot determine whether your property taxes or sales taxes will rise. Health care, Social Security and defense spending are enormous financial strains on our economy. Vote for leaders and measures that will spend money the way you want it spent. Importance of voting essay A lot of blood has been shed through American history so that you have the right and privilege to vote.

Many people sacrificed and worked tirelessly so that women, minorities and adults younger than 21 could cast ballots. Soldiers and civil rights workers died fighting for your right to vote. You owe it to them to exercise your civic responsibility. American soldiers are still fighting and dying in wars. Vote to choose leaders who make military decisions you agree with. Ballots you cast today will impact your children, grandchildren and all the generations that importance of voting essay. Vote to improve the world they will live in. Voting also sets a good example for your kids. Why should you vote? Your vote counts!

Learn why. Because the right to vote is one of the basic rights guaranteed by our Importance of voting essay. It is one of our most precious rights. Only a fraction of these nations are democracies or constitutional monarchies. A democracy is a nation. headed by leaders who are elected by the people. A constitutional monarchy is a nation that is headed by a queen or king, who may not have much real power, but which has free democratic elections for all citizens. The United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands are prime examples, importance of voting essay. Nations such as India, Israel, the Czech Republic, importance of voting essay, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, importance of voting essay, and the European Union countries importance of voting essay democracies, although Canada and Australia still have some political ties to England.

Nations such as Turkey have some democratic freedoms and some non-democratic restrictions. Many nations are monarchies, in which one family controls the government; military dictatorships, in which a non-elected leader and his army control the government by force; or, in the case of China, Communist states, in which only one political party is allowed to have power and representation. In all of these importance of voting essay nations, the government controls the press, and there is very little opportunity, or none, for free speech. Citizens are not allowed to publicly express any criticism of their government. The most basic rights that U. citizens take for granted, importance of voting essay, such as a speedy and fair trial by jury, importance of voting essay, and freedom of religion, are not recognized in these non-democratic nations.

If they have elections at all, they are usually a sham. Only a few candidates are listed on the ballots, and those are for local office. The people do not get to choose their leaders. The United States is not the only democracy in the world, but it has been one of the most successful. One reason for its success is its system of laws based on the Constitution. Our Constitution allows for the possibility of change in the way we elect our leaders and representatives. Importance of voting essay some basic rights are written into the Constitution, and as long as the United States thrives, these rights can never be taken away.

One of the basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution is the right to vote. That may not seem like a big deal, but it is a very important right—only if YOU use it. If you do vote, you are a participant. MAKING CHANGES: THE FIRST STEPS Throughout the history of our nation, changes have been made by those who organized, networked, joined forces, and expressed their opinions openly, whether or not they could vote. In many cases, public opposition was stubborn and violent. The Civil Rights Movement for African-Americans met seemingly unbeatable and vicious opposition. A number of civil-rights activists and leaders, importance of voting essay, black and white, were murdered. Yet the justice importance of voting essay their causes prevailed.

They helped extend Constitutional rights and protection to those who had been denied those rights. These battles for justice were won by those who cared enough about the possibility of social change to get involved, importance of voting essay, to speak up, and even risk their lives. Voting is one way that all U. citizens, ages 18 toimportance of voting essay, can speak up, importance of voting essay. Registering to vote is the first step in an exciting adventure. What do you care about? Legislative funding and support for schools for the deaf? How the candidates feel about mainstreaming? Literacy classes for deaf adults?

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There have been over proposed amendments to revamp the Electoral College that have gone before Congress, most of them failed. When Barack Obama stood before a cheering crowd in his home state Illinois and announced his candidacy, no believed that this guy had any chance of winning the nomination. Majority of Americans did not believe that the country was actually ready for an African-American president with a promise of changing the course of politics in Washington. However, on November 4, , for the first time, the citizens of the United States elected an African-American president with a name Barack Hussein Obama. It proved to be one of the most fascinating presidential elections in American history.

The power of democracy once again proved to be the only thing necessary for the triumph of a person. The popular vote tells the electors in the state how they believe they should vote. In cases where the state heavily favors one party, it may be hard for your voice to be heard, but it still can be in instances with representatives and senate votes. Swing states are very important because they don 't have a specific party affiliation that you expect to win. It is important for all citizens to vote, but especially important in these states because the electors usually side with the popular vote, so whoever wins the popular vote, will normally win that state. Another important thing to remember is that, while there are no laws that force the electors to choose the winner of the popular vote, there are states that have electors bound by state law to choose the popular vote.

Because Americans lack the knowledge of politician's positions on issues, and lack opinions of their own for the most part, they rely on other factors when determining who middle of paper Retrospective evaluations require little knowledge or time and anyone can evaluate the President and the economy fairly quickly. Issues are always going to be important to the few that actively support them, but for the most part we rely on social groups and party identification, or retrospective evaluations when an incumbent is running, to help us decide who to vote for. Aldrich, David W. Change and Continuity in the Elections. Blow, The issue of low voter turnout is not an unfamiliar topic for most of us.

We already know of this issue, but certainly we must not have cast a glance on the issue in the same perspective as Charles M Blow has written. He deeply explores the question that why the same voter who knows that to solve most of his problems he would need the government of his choice does not show any enthusiasm when it comes to casting his valuable ballot. The same problems remain there year after year and election after e e been ignored. The Presidential Election of Presidential election cycles are always three-ring circuses, and the election has become one of the biggest circuses ever. With a two-term president unable to seek re-election, the House of Representatives clearly up for grabs, and Democrats counting on major Senate gains -- even hoping to win control -- there is a lot at stake in this year's elections.

Republicans' optimism is based on their view that they will take back the White House after an eight-year hiatus. GOP insiders believe that Americans are tired of Bill Clinton, have doubts about Vice President Al Gore and are ready for change. Republican turnout was down in , which helps account for the party's poor showing in the off-year elections. These two parties have changed names and ideologies over time, but elections, especially presidential, have always been focused on these two groups. There have been third party and independent candidates on the political stage, but these candidates are rarely taken seriously. They are seen by major parties as a threat, stealing votes that could cost them an election. Donald Trump is the president-elect of the United States of America, as of this moment — on November 9th — Hilary Clinton leads the popular vote by a few points, but Donald Trump is the presumptive winner of the presidential election.

The senate and house are also now made up of Republican majorities; creating a clear path for the Republican party to undo much of the progressive progress of the last couple of decades. Today I feel that many are asking, what happened last night? How did an outspoken racist, suspected rapist, artless misogynist, along with a party of politicians who have been courting these lines of hate for years, achieve an overwhelming majority in a first world nation? Home Page The Importance Of Voting Essay. The Importance Of Voting Essay Good Essays.

Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Voting: The Importance is Real Election time is here, a chance for every American to go out and vote for the candidate that best suits their own interests, the candidate they think is going to go to washington and make the changes they want to see, and it all started with you and your vote. However, election time is rarely a time anyone looks forward to; with all of the annoying ads, the pressure from family and friends to vote in a specific way, and getting registered on top of it all. So it is understandable why going out to vote can be a dreadful experience, and one many do not look forward to.

Voting is definitely up there on the list of things no one wants to do; right alongside scheduling your yearly dental exam. However, as burdensome …show more content… We vote as a country to elect one person who will occupy the steering wheel of our country, whether that representative gets us on the right track or drives off the cliff is completely up to the voters. Sure your vote might be lost is a sea of thousands and make no difference which way the election goes. Which granted can be quite intimidating when that crowd of thousands has an opinion that doesn 't share your values.

Most people are incapable of forming such opinions. However, when it comes to the elections , your opinion is not alone. Look at the presidential race of After two consecutive terms serving as president he proves that …show more content… First you have to register to vote, which normally takes a few minutes to complete online or to send in a paper version. Essay on Dr. Abdul Kalam. Essay on Causes of Pollution. Essay on Solution of Pollution. Short Paragraph on Spring Season. Paragraph on Our National Flag for Kids. Essay on Adult Education — Meaning and Importance of Adults Education. The Importance of Reading Newspaper — Essay. Essay on Importance of Education. My Aim in Life To Become a Teacher — Essay. Essay on Art and Craft for Students. Respect: Short Essay on Respect.

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