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A raisin in the sun essay questions

A raisin in the sun essay questions

Discuss how the issue is presented in the play, and how the audience might have reacted. A raisin in the sun essay questions alternative way is to read a newspapers, watch a television program and write about any current issue going on in the world. Place your order. Discuss his significance. Write an essay in which you explore the character of Walter, Beneatha, or Lena Younger, discussing the ways in which this character does or does not develop over the course of the play.

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But as the story unfolds, the Younger family must repeatedly weigh their wish for material wealth against their wish for freedom, a raisin in the sun essay questions. Beneatha, Walter, and the others ultimately choose abstract a raisin in the sun essay questions, dignity, love—over easy alternatives that hold out the promise of more money. By dramatizing the crises they face before they arrive at these decisions, Hansberry shows that wealth is not always as desirable as it seems, and she reminds us of the sacrifices people make for their freedom. Throughout the a raisin in the sun essay questions, members of the Younger family act as if money is too precious to be parted with.

In the opening scene, Travis asks his mother for fifty cents, and the seemingly paltry sum is too much for the impoverished Ruth Younger to give away. A financial offer from the Clybourne Welcoming Committee briefly seduces Walter: The money would give him an opportunity to start his own business and become rich. Ruth considers an abortion because her unborn child would drain the Youngers of the little money they currently have. Walter pleads with his mother to donate her ten thousand dollars to his liquor-store scheme, arguing that the Youngers would benefit from the liquor sales.

Almost every character shows an occasional lust for money. However, each time the Youngers are presented with an opportunity to gain or save their money, they must relinquish something else that is valuable. By settling for the wealthy George, Beneatha would sacrifice her intellectual passion and spend the rest of her life with a man who casually admits to disliking books. Accepting the offer from the Clybourne Welcoming Committee would mean capitulating to a racist demand: The whites have offered the money to the Youngers because the whites do not want to live in an interracial community. Nowhere in A Raisin in the Sun does a character guiltlessly accept or hold onto his or her money. Ruth laughs when Walter gives his fifty cents to Travis; the couple acknowledges that the act of generosity is the right decision.

Mama does not argue with Beneatha when she announces her rejection of George, and Beneatha comments on this rare instance of maternal understanding. The climax of the play occurs when Walter rejects the offer from the Welcoming Committee; both Mama and Ruth declare their pride in this deeply flawed man. The investment in a house for Travis delights each of the Youngers except Walter, a raisin in the sun essay questions, and even Walter eventually a raisin in the sun essay questions the dignity and wisdom behind this hard decision.

Each time a character turns down an easy financial offer, the other characters applaud his farsightedness and strength. Like Ruth and Walter, we initially think that any offer of cash is a blessing for the Youngers because it represents a chance to abandon their dingy apartment and begin a new life. But Hansberry shows that no price is high enough for freedom. The Black characters she describes must defend their right to an education, a loving home, and a sense of self-worth—even when the white community wants to pay them to abandon these ideals.

Throughout the play, Hansberry conveys a sense of anger and disgust. No family should have to make the choices that confront the Youngers as their dreams are repeatedly deferred. Ace your assignments with our guide to A Raisin in the Sun! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select, a raisin in the sun essay questions. No Fear Literature Translations Literature Study Guides Glossary of Literary Terms How to Write Literary Analysis. Biography Biology Chemistry Computer Science Drama Economics Film Health History Math Philosophy Physics Poetry Psychology Short Stories Sociology US Government and Politics. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook.

Character List Walter Younger Mama Beneatha Younger Asagai Ruth Younger. Themes Motifs Symbols Protagonist Antagonist Setting Genre Style Point of View Tone Foreshadowing. Why does Mama buy a house in an all-white neighborhood? How does Walter plan to use the insurance money? Why does Lindner try to convince the Younger family not to move? How does Walter lose the insurance money? Why do the Youngers decide to go through with the move? Important Quotes Explained By Theme Dreams Family Race. Suggestions for Further Reading Related Links Movie Adaptations Lorraine Hansberry and A Raisin in the Sun Background. Please wait while we process your payment. Unlock your FREE SparkNotes Plus Trial! Unlock your FREE Trial! Sign up and get instant access to save the page as your favorite.

What role does money play in A Raisin in the Sun? Previous section Mini Essays Next section Suggested Essay Topics. A Raisin in the Sun SparkNotes Literature Guide EBOOK EDITION Ace your assignments with our guide to A Raisin in the Sun! Popular pages: A Raisin in the Sun. Take a Study Break.

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The family is […]. Raisin in the sun explains about dreams and the key people in the play work hard to accommodate their life oppressions. The play refers to the conjecture that Langston Hughes wrote on the poems about dreams that were never put into action. Capitalism was an exploitative system that gave the whites excessive supremacy and denied […]. The family struggles to achieve their dreams due to social and economic setbacks. Each family member has their own goals and dreams for themselves and their […]. This book took place in the s, and being a person of color at the time would mean people would treat you differently. Especially if you are a colored and female since society sees the role of the woman as a housewife that just cooks and cleans in the house until her husband comes home.

A raisin in the sun is a story and also a play that illustrates the struggles of a poor African American family who uses figurative language, symbols, and poems such as a way to relate to the audience and portray its relation to everyday issues incurred by people, especially African Americans. A family of five […]. Beneatha is the only family member who has been college-educated, and she knows what […]. A Raisin in the Sun is a drama that chronologically details the life experiences of the Younger family as they struggle with self identity, poverty, and segregation. Now, to fully understand the meaning behind the story, some background will be provided on the author, Lorraine Hansberry. At a young age, Lorraine Hansberry and her family […].

Although more solutions have been introduced to solve the ongoing issue of racism, it continues to affect modern society, and has existed as a problem all throughout history. The play highlights the dreams […]. In all three of these stories, the struggles, trials, and tribulations of African-American families are all brought to life by the authors and their respective points of view. These particular selections, all written from Baldwin, Hansberry, Wilson, and Coates, present certain viewpoints and ethical themes that appeal to the African-American communities and their people.

The […]. What makes Beneatha change her mind about becoming a doctor? Why did Walter change his mind? What happened after the Youngers moved to the new house? Who would the main character be considered? Say anything bad to him? No—I told him he was a sweet boy and full of dreams and everything is […]. On top of that, she became the first black woman to perform on Broadway. A Raisin in the Sun has been published and produced in about thirty languages abroad and in thousands of productions in the […]. Artists such as Aaron Douglas, W. DuBois, and Zora Neale Hurston are just some of the many famous artists of the Harlem renaissance who used art to spread their message of equality and more.

In the s millions of blacks moved up north from the south to escape discrimination, many had moved to […]. Lorraine Hansberry was a black playwright that was born in Chicago on May 19th, She had a big role in the civil rights movement and wrote plays about it. Her most famous play, A Raisin in the Sun, was about a black family in Chicago. Her plays made it to Broadway and were played […]. He ideates that the constant racial stereotypes made of African Americans prevent non-blacks from noticing what they are individually capable of doing in order to succeed.

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A combination from both points of view reveals an infinite number of emotions to the reader, making you feel connected and a part of […]. Money is a very taboo topic in general. Without money, it is very hard for you to achieve your goals. In the s especially with all of the segregation and racism acts. In the book A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry there are multiple symbolic messages in this play that affect the way […]. Christine is an exhibiting artist who creates interactive visual pieces mostly based on the […]. Almost every character in the play has one. Dreams are great things, but unfortunately with growth, dreams fade, and everyone has to experience them.

Before readers see it fade though, they have to see it grow. Walter dreams of being financially stable, enough so that he can support and allow his family to survive and thrive, and do what they wish. He seems to try hard to achieve that dream of his, but instead, he falls short of it due to the fact that the money he put into his business got stolen. That is his pride, work, and humanity. He ended up instead being proud of his family, rather than wanting a ton of money. The play is also about overcoming racism and standing up to it, no matter what. The Youngers move into a predominantly white neighborhood at the end of the play during a time where racial tensions were high, and they plan to stick it out, which shows them facing racism head on. Other things that make good topics would be the symbolism or motifs of the home, or mama's plant in the home.

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essays Infantile amnesia essay writing tips. A Raisin in the Sun Essay Topics A Raisin in the Sun is a classic play authored by Lorraine Hansberry. Dreams The main themes of this play are about dreams and not letting them die.

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